Elaphomyces muricatus

False Truffle
(Rough-coated Elaphomyces)

Fruit-body regularly spherical to somewhat tuber form, Ø 2-5 cm. Outer surface with fairly large, rather pointed warts, with a glue-like crust of sand, humus and root hair, light yellow-brown to dark rusty brown. Flesh hard and tough, grey-pink to purplish black-brown, marbled with yellowish white veins.

Fairly close to the surface in a thin layer of litter of broad-leaved trees (Oak, Hornbeam, Birch and Beech), occasionally coniferous trees (Spruce), on poor, acid to calcareous sandy soil. Often attacked by Cordyceps.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Related and/or similar species
- Elaphomyces granulatus
- Elaphomyces maculatus