Trametes multicolor

Fruit-body annual, half round fan-shaped to flat, console-shaped, mostly in groups in rows or roof-tile-like growth. Cap 2-5 x 1-4 cm, to 15 mm thick. Upper surface waved, concentric zoned, fine thickly felted, with grey-white, grey-ochre-coloured to yellowish-brown of orange-brown zones, with a sharp, grey-felted to brownish and balding rim.
Tubes 1-4 mm long, whitish. Pores 3-4 per mm, round to angular, cream to ochre-coloured. Flesh thin, corky-like tough, white, without black layer under the cap surface.
Spore-print colour white.

On stumps and trunks of deciduous trees (Birch) in deciduous forests on nutrient-deficient or -rich soils.

Related and/or similar species
- Trametes versicolor
- Trametes hirsuta