Polyporus umbellatus

Umbrella Polypore

Fruit-body annual, with numerous caps with central stems, 10-30 cm. Cap circular, flattened funnel-shaped, often naveled, 2-5 cm. Upper surface smooth or with fine depressed scales, pale- to grey-brown. Tubes decurrent, 1-2 mm, whitish. Pores 1-3 per mm, whitish to cream.
Stem multiple branched, white to cream. The fruit-body develops from a 1-5 cm large, blackish-brown, underground sclerotium. Flesh soft, white.
Taste mild to bitter. Smell pleasant.
Spore-print colour whitish.

At the base of and near or on stumps of broad-leaved trees (Beech, Alder, Oak) in old broad-leaved woods and parks.