Polyporus squamosus

Dryad's Saddle
(Scaly Polypore)

Less than 1cm: Use magnifying glass.
Fruit-body annual, funnel-shaped to circular or oval fan-shaped with lateral to central stem (f. rostkovii). Cap Ø 5-60 cm, 1-5 cm thick. Upper surface with concentric rings of fibrous, dark brown scales, cream to ochre-yellow, with acute margin.
Tubes 3-10 mm long, decurrent, yellow. Pores 0.5-1 per mm, irregularly angular-oval, whitish to creamy ochre.
Stem 3-10 x 2-6 cm, creamy ochre with brown-black base. Flesh leathery, white to cream. Smell flour-like.
Spore-print colour white.

Common on stumps, trunks and wound areas on the trunks of living and dead deciduous trees (Ash, Elm, Beech, Willow, Maple, Poplar). Often fruits twice yearly. Spring to autumn.
Parasitic. (Saprophyte).

Related and/or similar species
- Polyporus tuberaster