Oxyporus populinus

Small Hoof Bracket

Fruit-body perennial, resupinate or tuber-shaped to fan-, half circular- or console-shaped, 3-10 x 2-5 cm. Upper surface smooth to tuberous, fine felted to bald, cream to ochre-brown, the centre often covered by green algae, with a white wavy, blunt to sharp growth zone.
Tubes 2-3 mm each layer, cream. Pores 5-7 per mm, round to angular, cream to ochre-coloured. Flesh soft and elastic, when dry hard and brittle, cream. Smell weak.
Spore-print colour white.

On trunks and at the base of live deciduous trees (Poplar, Maples) in mixed forests on calcareous sand, in Poplar bushes and in forests on clay and parks.
Saprophyte, possibly parasitic.