Hapalopilus rutilans

Tender Nesting Polypore

Fruit-body annual, cushion-shaped to semicircular bracket-like or kidney-shaped. Cap 3-12 x 2-8 cm, with acute, incurvate margin. Upper surface velvety-felted, cinnamon to ochre-brown. Reacts to alkaline (KOH) with an intense violet discolouration (338B.jpg).
Tubes 4-10 mm long, grey-brown. Pores 2-4 per mm, circular to polygonal, grey-brown to cinnamon. Flesh fibrous to corky, tough, pale cinnamon. Smell sweetish.
Spore-print colour white.

Fairly common on branches and trunks of deciduous trees (Birch, Oak, Mountain ash). Geotropism due to tilting of the substrate (338A.jpg).