Orange Zoned-bracket
(Red-belted Polypore)
Fruit-body perennial, bracket-like to hoof-shaped, 5-20 x 5-10 cm, 3-15 cm thick, with white, rounded growth zone. Upper surface concentrically zoned, smooth, hard due to resin-like top layer, orange-red to yellow-pink or grey-pink, turning grey to grey-black at the centre.
Tubes 1-2 mm long, cream to ochre-yellow. Pores 3-4 per mm, circular, cream or yellowish to brownish, often with yellowish guttation drops. Flesh hard, tough, cream to ochrous. Smell somewhat sour, irritating.
Spore-print colour white.
Often on live trunks of coniferous trees (Spruce), occasionally on deciduous trees (Beech, Birch, Oak, Maple).
Parasitic. (Saprophyte).
Related and/or similar species
- Fomitopsis pinicola (or Lariciformes officinalis) occasionally on Larch.
- Heterobasidion annosum