Daedaleopsis confragosa

Blood-stained Bracket
(Blushing Bracket, Red-pored Bracket, Thin-maze Flat Polypore, or Thin-maze Polypore)

Fruit-body annual, fan-shaped to semicircular, 4-15 x 3-10 cm, 2-4 cm thick. Upper surface concentrically zoned, smooth, matt, ochrous to brown, brown-red towards the centre, with acute, white-yellowish to brown margin.
Tubes 5-10 mm long, grey-ochre to brown ochre. Pores irregular, up to 1 mm wide, circular or angular to gill-like elongate, whitish, grey or light grey to grey-brown, turning pink-brown when damaged. Flesh corky, tough, grey-ochre to brown-ochre. Smell none.
Spore-print colour white.

Common on trunks, branches and stumps of deciduous trees (Willow, Alder, Birch).
Parasitic. (Saprophyte).

Related and/or similar species
- Daedaleopsis tricolor with dark red cap and entirely gill-like hymenium on Hazel branches.