Inonotus rheades

Fruit-body annual, flattened bracket-like, usually with several imbricate caps, 4-15 x 2-9 cm. Upper surface velvety felted, yellow-orange or orangey sorrel-red to red-brown, with undulate, pale margin.
Tubes 5-15 mm long, red-brown. Pores 2-3 per mm, angular, cream or light yellow to ochre-brown.
Spore-print colour brown.

On trunks of Poplar in open scrub and tree clusters.

Related and/or similar species
- Inonotus cuticularis
- Inonotus dryadeus
- Inonotus hastifer (see 911A.jpg, photograph of Antrodiella hoehnelii)
- Inonotus obliquus