Boletopsis grisea

Grey-green Brittle Gill

Fruit-body flattened funnel-shaped, up to 10 cm high. Cap Ø 4-10 cm, irregularly round, smooth, undulate, whitish to light grey-brown, with acute, undulate margin. Lower surface with irregular angular, shallow, decurrent pores, Ø 0.3-1 mm, whitish to pink.
Stem 3-7 x 1-3 cm, smooth to finely scaly, whitish to light grey-brown. Flesh whitish to pink.
Spore-print colour whitish.

Near coniferous trees (and deciduous trees) on poor sandy soil.
Forming ectomycorrhiza?

Related and/or similar species
May be confused with or is possibly a pale variety of Boletopsis leucomeleana.