Hydnellum ferrugineum

Reddish-brown Corky Spine Fungus

Fruit-body top-shaped, up to 6 cm high. Cap Ø 3-10 cm, irregularly round, when young cushion-shaped, velvety, white to pinkish, exuding red guttation drops, later flattened to funnel-shaped, rough, red-brown, with undulate-scored, pale margin. Spines up to 5 mm long, decurrent, whitish to red-brown.
Stem 1-5 x 1-3 cm, red-brown. Flesh pale red-brown.
Spore-print colour light brown.

Among heather near Scots pine and Spruce in coniferous woods.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Endangered (Red Data List, ed. 1)

Related and/or similar species
- Hydnellum compactum ; Extinct (Red Data List, ed. 1)
- Hydnellum concrescens ; Vulnerable (Red Data List, ed. 1)
- Hydnellum spongiosipes : Rare (Red Data List, ed. 1)