Orange Corky Spine Fungus
Fruit-body top- to funnel-shaped, up to 6 cm high. Cap Ø 2-7 cm, irregularly round, lumpy, with undulate and scored margin, felted, white when young, later with faint concentric zones, centre orange-yellow to orange-brown, towards the margin light orange-yellow to whitish.
Spines up to 5 mm long, decurrent, whitish or grey-brown to orange-brown.
Stem finely felted, swollen at the base, 2-5 x 0.5-2 cm, orange-brown to dark brown. Flesh white to pale orange or orange-brown.
Spore-print colour light brown.
Near Scots pine in sparse Fir woods on very poor sand.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.
Endangered (Red Data List, ed. 1)