Slippery Jack
(Brown-yellow Bolete)
Cap hemispherical to convex, Ø 5-10 cm, slimy and sticky, shiny, chestnut to sepia-brown.
Tubes straw-yellow to lemon-yellow. Pores circular, straw-yellow to lemon-yellow, turning reddish brown.
Stem 5-10 x 2-3 cm, pale straw-colour with dark dots, with a large membranous, white to cream ring turning brown-black, white at the base, turning wine-red brown. Flesh white. Taste faint. Smell faint.
Spore-print colour clay-brown to ochrous brown.
Near coniferous trees in young coniferous woods and near wild shoots on dry sandy soil with little litter.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.