Indigo Bolete
(Bluing Bolete)
Cap convex, Ø 6-12 cm, felted, matt, pale creamy ochre or dingy white to dun, turning blue or brown when damaged, with shaggy, torn margin.
Tubes white to pale yellow, with a hint of green-yellow. Pores white to pale yellow, bruising blue.
Stem obese, 5-10 x 2-4 cm, often cracking into ring-like zones, light creamy ochre to dun. Flesh white, turning blue-green when damaged. Taste none. Smell faint.
Spore-print colour pale straw-colour.
Near deciduous trees (beech, Oak), occasionally near Fir, in young or mature woods on poor, acid, dry sandy soil with little litter. Summer to autumn.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.