Boletus radicans

Rooting Bolete
Boletus radicans var. radicans

Cap hemispherical to convex, Ø 8-16 cm, matt, dingy white to light loam-brown, with ochrous tints, scaly cracks, grey margin.
Tubes lemon-yellow, turning blue when damaged. Pores small, circular, lemon-yellow, bruising blue
Stem 5-8 x 3-4 cm, lemon-yellow at the apex, covered with a straw-coloured net, with a rooting, dark ochre base with red-brown blotches. Flesh yellow, turning white, or turning pale blue at first, and paler with age. Taste bitter. Smell spicy.
Spore-print colour olive-brown.

Near Oak and Beech in lanes with poor soils and near roadsides with old trees on calcareous river clay or humus, loamy sand. Summer to autumn.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.