Boletus erythropus

Red-stalked Bolete
(Dotted Stem Bolete)
Boletus erythropus var. erythropus

Cap hemispherical to convex, Ø 8-20 cm, velvety, matt, brown to olive, towards the margin yellowish ochre.
Tubes lemon-yellow to greenish, turning dark blue when damaged. Pores small, circular, orange-red to rusty brown, yellow towards the margin, bruising dark blue to black.
Stem 4-14 x 2-5 cm, yellowish, with red dots and red apex. Flesh yellow, dark blue on bruising.
Spore-print colour olive.

Fairly common near Oak and Beech, rare near coniferous trees, mainly along roadsides with poor soil and roads lined with old trees on dry, acid soils. Summer to autumn.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.