Tricholoma aurantium

Veiled Tricholoma

Cap vaulted, later expanded with a blunt bump in the sometimes somewhat depressed centre, Ø 5-10 cm, smooth, sticky when moist, very finely scaled when dry, orange red of orange brown to chestnut brown, with a lighter or darker centre and an enrolled rim.
Gills white to cream, brown red patched, with a dentate, brown red patched gill edge.
Stem 5-10 x 1-2 cm, when young with a fine white floccose, sometimes covered with droplets, stem top and with below the ring zone orange brown scales in circular zones around the stem on a whitish background. Flesh white. Taste bitter. Smell flour-like.
For some people fatally poisonous.

Near conifers in coniferous forests on moderately humid to dry, chalk and nutrient deficient sand and loam soils.
Foring ectomycorrhiza.

Vulnerable (Red Data List, ed. 1)