Squamanita odorata

Cap bell-shaped to expanded, Ø 7-35 mm, dry, with fibrous, pale and brown-black scales in concentric zones on a light grey-brown background, with an acute margin.
Gills partially forked, dingy white to grey-brown, with scored edge.
Stem 1-3 cm x 2-5 mm, with grey-brown fibrils on a whitish background and upturned, dark grey-brown scales in belts above the rimmed, creamy yellow bulb. Flesh whitish, turning grey-brown. Taste mild. Smell strong, sweetish, of chocolates.

On sandy and loamy soil, after manuring, along the edge of paths and roads, occasionally in gardens, in wooded areas. Possibly parasitizing the mycelium of Hebeloma species.
Saprophyte, Parasitic?