Mycena belliae

Reed Bonnet Cap

Cap hemispherical to flattened-umbilical with a recurved to straight rim, Ø 4-20 mm, matt, translucent striped, later on shiny and sticky, with a removable gelatinous layer, light grey brown of yellowish brown to reddish brown or sepia brown with a lighter centre.
Gills thick, somewhat elastic, declining, whitish to pale sepia brown.
Stem 5-65 x 0.5-3 mm, hollow, somewhat elastic, smooth, at first whitish powered, later shiny, watery white to light yellow brown or grey brown with a dark red brown base on a thin white felted mycelium. Flesh watery brown. Smell weak, pleasant.

At water level on superannuated reed in reedlands, also on thatched roofs.