Volvariella caesiotincta

Blue-green Grisette

Cap spherical to expanding with a wide blunt bump, Ø 3-8 cm, fine radially fibrous, matt and dry, pale greyish cream with a light to darker grey brown centre, with sometimes a bluish or blue green shade when young and with a sharp rim.
Gills whitish to pink with a white flaky lamella edge.
Stem 4-8 cm x 5-10 mm, matt, on a whitish background white flaky powdered, with a whitish 2-3 lobbed, veiled sac-like grey brown volva around the somewhat thickened stem base. Flesh white. Smell unpleasant (after Herb-Robert (Geranium robertianum)).

On mouldered stubs and branches of deciduous trees (Beech) on nutrient-rich damp humus-rich soils.