Velvety Brittle Cap
Cap convex to expanded with broad umbo, Ø 2-10 cm, brown-ochre to orange-brown, with woolly fibrils and cream velar remnants at the margin.
Gills close, dark purple-brown to black, blotched, shedding tears in damp weather, with whitish edge.
Stem 5-10 cm x 5-10 mm, pruinose at the apex, whitish, with fibrous, rusty-brown scales on a light yellow background below the woolly-fibrous ring zone, which becomes black with spores, white-felted at the base. Flesh orange-brown to olive-brown. Taste unpleasant. Smell faint.
Common on humus-rich disturbed soils in parks, gardens, grassy roadsides and deciduous woods, often along paths and car parks. Occasionally in clusters. Late spring to autumn.