Macrolepiota rachodes

Shaggy Parasol
(Large Grey Agaric)

Cap ovoid, then convex to nearly plane with raised centre, Ø 5-15 cm, pale brown smooth centre, towards margin reflexed, membranous, brown scales on a whitish background, hanging from the edge like rags.
Gills white, staining red when damaged.
Stem 10-15 x 1-2 cm, smooth, with fibrillose base, dingy white to pink brown, with membranous, double ring, movable on the stem, and an eccentric, thick bulbous base staining red brown on bruising. Flesh white, staining saffron yellow to reddish orange on bruising. Smell strong, pleasant.

In woods, avenues, parks, orchards and gardens on rich soil.

Related and/or similar species
- Macrolepiota procera