Astraeus hygrometricus

Barometer Earthstar

Fruit-body closed spherical, with hygroscopical, firm to lignous hard rays, Ø 3-12 cm. Outer surface grey-brown to dark dull grey-brown or black-brown, often patchy and flaky with black filaments. Inner surface yellow-brown to black-brown or dark grey-brown, with numerous cracks (craquelé). Sphere Ø 1-3 cm, stem absent, felted to woolly-fibrillose, light brown to brown, close to white to almost black when dry, with an irregular opening or a few tears without a zone round the opening.

In sunny places in broad-leaved and mixed woods, in heather, and road sides near broad-leaved trees (Oak and Beech) on acid to neutral, poor sandy soil and on slag heaps (avoiding lime).
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Vulnerable (Red Data List, ed. 1)