Geastrum striatum

Striated Earthstar

Fruit-body closed globose, with 6-11 pointy rays, Ø 2-6 cm. Lower surface rays drab, with a lot of attached soil. Inner surface cream to brownish. Sphere Ø 8-19 mm, dome- to dented baret-shaped, with a cone – shaped, furrowed-pleated opening, with stem.
Stem 3-7 mm long, with a ringed zone halfway up, almost always with a sharp collar-shaped plead at the top. Mealy, light brown to dark lead grey to brown black or very dark brown, frequently with a whitish to drab fine mealy eruption.

In gardens, parks, woods and dune scrubs near broad-leaved trees (Elm, Ash and Oak) on dry, sandy soil, which contains moderate amounts of humus.