Web Caps
An extensive group of Agarics with fruit-bodies with a slimy-viscid or dry, matt cap, with a universal veil usually leaving remnants at the cap margin and at the base of the stipe, and in closed state with a partial veil or cortina that connects the cap margin with the stipe and which after opening usually leaves a ring zone on the stipe discoloured by the spores. Forming ectomycorrhiza. Spores yellow-brown, rusty brown, dark brown, black-brown, only in the case of the genus Leucocortinarius nearly white. In Britain more than 200 species of the genus Cortinarius occur. Most species can only be identified with certainty by specialists.
Listed taxa:
- Cortinarius anomalus, Thin-cupped Web Cap
- Cortinarius bulliardii
- Cortinarius calochrous
- Cortinarius cinnabarinus, Vermilion Cobweb-veil
- Cortinarius coerulescens, Azure-blue Web Cap
- Cortinarius delibutus, Smeared Cortinarius
- Cortinarius flexipes
- Cortinarius infractus, Bitter Web Cap
- Cortinarius mucosus, Slimy Cobweb-veil
- Cortinarius paleaceus, Pelagonium Web Cap
- Cortinarius praestans, Remarkable Web Cap
- Cortinarius privignus
- Cortinarius semisanguineus, Red-gilled Web Cap
- Cortinarius sodagnitus
- Cortinarius triumphans
- Cortinarius trivialis, Smeared Web Cap
- Cortinarius uliginosus, Orange Bog Web Cap
- Cortinarius uraceus