Ramaria stricta

Straight-branched Coral Fungus
(Straight Coral Fungus)

Fruit-body repeatedly branched, coral-shaped, 4-10 cm high, 3-8 cm wide. Branches 1-5 mm thick, with perpendicular, parallel branches, with repeatedly branched, thorn- or tooth-like tips, yellow-ochre with flesh tinge to light cinnamon, with yellowish tips.
Stem 1-4 cm x 5-15 mm, ochre to flesh, occasionally with viniferous red tinge, with tapering base with white rhizomorphs. Flesh tough, white to pale yellow.

Fairly common on plant debris (Marram grass, Ammophila arenaria) and branches, wood chips and stumps of deciduous trees (see also photograph of Lepiota aspera 439.jpg).