Shiny Bracket
(Stemmed Bracket, Shining Ganoderma, Shining Polypore, Orange-brown Lacquered Bracket, Mushroom of Immortality, or Herb of Spiritual Potency)
Fruit-body annual, fan- to kidney-shaped, with eccentric stem. Cap Ø 10-25 cm, 2-3 cm thick. Upper surface concentrically furrowed-zoned, smooth, impressible crust, shiny as if varnished, ochre or orange-brownish red to purple-brown or black-brown, with whitish or yellowish to brown-red marginal zone.
Tubes 5-20 mm long, cream to yellowish. Pores 4-5 per mm, circular, whitish or cream to yellow-brown.
Stem 10-25 x 1-3 cm, smooth, shiny, dark brown-red. Flesh corky, tough, cream.
Spore-print colour white.
At the base of or in hollows of trunks, and on stumps of deciduous trees (Beech, Oak, Poplar, Horse chestnut).
Parasitic, (Saprophyte).