Fruit-body perennial, thick to flattened bracket-like. Cap 10-70 x 5-30 cm, 2-10 cm thick. Upper surface concentrically grooved, lumpy, smooth, with impressible crust, light brown or cinnamon to grey-brown to black, often powdered rusty brown with spores, with undulate, white margin becoming acute.
Tubes each layer 5-20 mm long, red-brown. Pores 5-6 per mm, cinnamon, white to cream (27.jpg), turning permanently brown when damaged, occasionally with nipple shaped galls (38.jpg). Flesh corky-fibrous, red-brown to dark brown. Smell fungus-like.
Spore-print colour (light) brown.
Common on trunks and stumps of deciduous trees, occasionally on coniferous trees.
Parasitic. (Saprophyte).
Related and/or similar species
- Ganoderma australe