Maze Gill
(Thick-maze Oak Polypore, or Oak Maze Gill)
Fruit-body annual to perennial, hoof-shaped to semicircular bracket-like, 10-30 x 10-20 cm, 3-7 cm thick. Upper surface lumpy-undulate, faintly concentrically zoned, felted, light brown to grey-brown, acute margin.
Tubes irregularly gill-like, 1-3 mm wide, 1-2 mm thick, light brown. Pores labyrinthine, walls 1-2 mm apart, beige, occasionally with pink tinge. Flesh corky, tough, light brown to coffee-brown. Smell pleasant.
Spore-print colour white.
Common on stumps, trunks or dead parts of Oak, occasionally on beams (see 29.jpg).
Saprophyte. (Parasitic?)