Phellinus igniarius

Grey Fire-bracket
(False Amadou, False Tinder Fungus, Flecked-flesh Polypore, Horses Hoof Bracket, or Willow Fomes)

Fruit-body perennial, hard, hoof-shaped to bracket-like, 10-40 x 5-20 cm, 5-15 cm thick. Upper surface concentrically grooved-ridged, smooth, cracking, rusty brown to grey-black or black, with lighter, obtuse margin. With several horizontal tube layers.
Tubes each layer 1-5 mm long, rusty brown. Pores 5-6 per mm, circular, rusty brown to brown-grey.
Spore-print colour white.

Not uncommon on trunks of often still living trees (Poplar, Birch, Willow, Rowan whitebeams) in open deciduous woods and lines of trees.

Related and/or similar species
- Juvenile Fomes fomentarius
- Fomitopsis pinicola