Bitter Spiny Cap-fungus
Fruit-body flattened funnel-shaped, up to 12 cm high. Cap Ø 4-14 cm, irregularly round, with flattened scales gradually turning erect, velvety-felted, light chestnut, occasionally with pink tinge, scales dark chestnut to black-brown, margin undulate, pale. Spines up to 1 mm, light grey-pink, to purple-brown with white tip.
Stem 3-10 x 1-3.5 cm, longitudinally striped, with dark scales, pale pink-brown to dark brown with grey-green base. Flesh whitish to pink, in the base of the stem blue-green. Smell flour-like.
Spore-print colour brown.
Near Oak and beech in deciduous woods and in roadsides with old trees on poor sandy soil.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.
Endangered (Red Data List, ed. 1)
Related and/or similar species
- Sarcodon imbricatus, Vulnerable (Red Data List, ed. 1)
- Sarcodon joeides
- Sarcodon lepidus