Phellodon confluens

Strongly Scented Spine Fungus

Fruit-body top-shaped to flattened funnel-shaped, margins often fused, up to 5 cm high. Cap Ø 3-9 cm, confluent, to Ø 15 cm, round to oval, lumpy grooved, downy, whitish to grey-brown or black-brown, with whitish marginal zone.
Stem 2-4 x 1-2 cm, felted, grey-brown to dark black-brown. Flesh zoned, pink-brown to grey-brown or black-brown. Smell spicy, of lovage.
Spore-print colour whitish.

Near deciduous trees (Oak, Beech) occasionally near coniferous trees (Fir) in woods on poor, shifting sandy soil and along poor roadsides with old trees.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Endangered (Red Data List, ed. 1)