Hydnellum caeruleum

Blue Corky Spine Fungus

Fruiting top-shaped, up to 6 cm high. Cap Ø 3-7 cm, irregularly round, with undulate, irregularly scored margin, downy-velvety to smooth, undulate-wrinkled, grey-blue when young, later brownish at the centre, with whitish margin. Spines up to 5 mm long, decurrent, brown-bluish to grey white or brown.
Stem rudimentary, conical, 2-3 x 2-3 cm, brown-red. Flesh red-brown or orange-brown to grey-blue or black-blue, with darker zones. Smell of cucumber.
Spore-print colour light brown.

Near Scots pine in Fir woods on very poor, dry, shifting sandy soil.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Vulnerable (Red Data List, ed. 1)