Suillus bovinus

Cow Bolete
(Shallow-pored Bolete)

Cap convex, Ø 3-10 cm, sticky, loam-coloured with cinnamon-brown or ochrous brown tints, with palid margin.
Tubes light olive-yellow. Pores large, angular, light olive-brown-yellow to ochre.
Stem 4-6 cm x 5-8 mm, ochrous yellow-brown to loam coloured ochre, with pink mycelium at the base. Flesh whitish yellow to grey-pink or rusty brown. Taste pleasant, sweetish. Smell fruity.
Spore-print colour olive-brown.

Fairly common near Fir in coniferous and mixed woods on poor soil with little litter, or near self seeded Fir on heathland (see also under Gomphidius roseus (761.jpg)).
Forming ectomycorrhiza.

Related and/or similar species
- Suillus bovinus