Lactarius mammosus

Cap vaulted to flattened with a depressed centre inside sometimes with a flat of acute bump, Ø 3-6 cm, when dry matt, with adpressed to rising fibrilous scales, chestnut-brown or darker brown to wine-coloured grey. sometimes with concentric bands and young with a somewhat enrolled rim.
Gills somewhat declined, close to each other, pink-yellow-brown or darker with an orange shade.
Stem 2-4 x 0.5-1 cm, whitish or brownish, pale cinnamon-brown when bruised. Flesh whitish to light yellow-brown, milk white. Taste mild to (very) sharp. Smell after coconut.
Spore-print colour cream.

Near Pine and Spruce on acidic, nutrient deficient sand soil.
Forming ectomycorrhiza.