Psathyrella spadicea

Bag-grey Brittle-cap
(Bag Brittle Cap)

Cap convex to irregularly flattened, Ø 2-6 cm, smooth, matt, dark beige-brown to ochre-brown or reddish brown when damp; light ochre-brown to beige-brown when dry.
Gills light brown to red-brown.
Stem 4-6 cm x 5-10 mm, splitting longitudinally into fibrils, often fasciate at the base. Flesh dingy white to grey-brown. Taste mild. Smell mushroom-like.

Not uncommon on wood of deciduous trees, usually on or at the base of deciduous trees (Elm, Horse chestnut) in woods, parks and avenues on (moderately) rich soil. Late autumn. In clusters or groups.