Wynne's Marasmius
Cap vaulted to expanding with a depressed centre, Ø 2-5 cm, wavy curved, radially wrinkled and striped, matt, grey beige to grey brown or grey violet, with a light brown centre and a wavy, notched rim.
Gills curvedly attached, beige to grey brown or grey violet.
Stem 3-7 cm x 2-8 mm, elastic, yellowish brown to red brown or violet brown with a creamy white, white frosted top and with white mycelium felt at the base. Flesh white. Taste mild. Smell weak, unpleasant.
On dead leaves or fruits of Beech in deciduous and mixed forests on clay or calcareous loess and calcareous humus-rich sand.
Related and/or similar species
- Marasmius cohaerens