Agaricus bisporus

Cultivated Mushroom
(Edible Mushroom)
Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus

Cap hemispherical to irregularly expanded, Ø 5-13 cm, dingy brown to greyish brown, with radially, fibrillose, brown scales on a whitish background, whitish at the margin.
Gills dingy pink to dark purple-brown
Stem 5-7 x 2-4 cm, white, floccose below the membranous protruding ring. Flesh white, reddening slightly. Taste mild, nutty. Smell somewhat sour, mushroomy.

On loose, humus-rich soil and compost in parks, gardens and roadsides, occasionally in broad-leaved woods on rich soil. Summer to autumn.

Related and/or similar species
The albidus variety is the form that is cultivated on compost mixed with horse dung or on artificial substrates.