Familia Hymenochaetaceae

A group of Basidiomycetes showing a rich variety in shapes, including Hymenochaete species, with crust-like fruit-bodies and brackets without tubes, Coltricia species, with top-shaped fruit-bodies, with stipe, with tubes on the underside of the cap, Ionotus species, with annual, cushion-shaped, bracket-like to hoof-shaped or imbricated fruit-bodies, tubes and spores with a sheen, and Phellinus species, with hard, perennial, bulbous to bracket-like or hoof-shaped fruit-bodies with several tube layers.

The different genera are often catagorised separately or as a group within the different families.
Therefore it is better to speak of the family of Hymenochaetaceae in a broad sense.

Listed taxa:
(Family Hymenochaetaceae):
- Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Red-brown Crust
- Hymenochaete tabacina

(Family Coltriciaceae):
- Coltricia confluens
- Coltricia perennis, Brown Funnel Polypore
- Inonotus dryadeus, Weeping Oak Polypore
- Inonotus hastifer
- Inonotus hispidus, Shaggy Polypore
- Inonotus nodulosus
- Inonotus radiatus, Alderwood Polypore
- Inonotus rheades

(Family Phellinaceae):
- Phellinus igniarius, Grey Fire-bracket
- Inonotus dryadeus
- Inonotus hastifer
- Inonotus hispidus
- Inonotus nodulosus
- Inonotus radiatus
- Inonotus rheades
- Phellinus hippophaecola
- Phellinus tuberculosus
- Phellinus robustus, Yellow Trunk Rot of Oak
- Phellinus trivialis
- Phellinus conchatus
- Phellinus populicola
- Phellinus ferreus, Rusty-red Polypore
- Phellinus ferruginosus, Rusty-red Polypore
- Phellinus punctatus
- Phylloporia ribis