Genus Leucoagaricus

A group of large Agarics resembling Lepiota, Macrolepiota and Agaricus, occasionally becoming brown or red when damaged, with caps that are smooth to granular or covered with small or large warts, and white to cream or pale yellow gills free or ending in a ring distant from the stipe. Spores white or cream to pale yellow.

Listed taxa:
- Leucoagaricus leucothites, Smooth Parasol
- Leucoagaricus melanotrichus
- Leucoagaricus meleagris, Western Flat-topped Agaricus
- Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, Lemon-yellow Lepiota
- Leucocoprinus brebissonii, Ox-eye Lepiota
- Leucocoprinus lilacinogranulosus