On this cd-rom some species of Slime Moulds are listed.
Previously Slime Moulds were counted as real fungi (Kingdom Fungi) belonging to the separate Phylum Dictyostelida (Myxomycota) and placed in the Class Myxomycetes.
They can still be found under those names in older publications.
Slime Moulds are not seen as fungi any longer. They now are considered part of the Kingdom Protoctista.
The Protoctista consist of a large number of very diverse micro organisms with a nucleus.
They are divided in a high number of phyla containing ciliates, flagellates, dino flagellates, diatoms, brown and red algae and amoebas.
The Phylum Rhizopoda contains two Classes: Lobosea (unicellular amoebes) and Acrasiomycota (Slime Moulds).
Listed taxa:
Class Acrasiomycota, Slime Moulds